The Words Are Magic! book launch is just around the corner and is available on Amazon on May 1st! 

There is so much to do, yet I am taking a moment to soak in the excitement and focus on gratitude because there is so much to be grateful for! My heart is bursting with joy and gratitude that my newest book will be released so soon! Publishing a children’s book in some small ways feels a little bit like expecting a child. Writing the story is kind of like getting pregnant or the first trimester because you have created this amazing thing from inside of you. Working with an illustrator is kind of like the second trimester because you are getting used to the idea and you start to see it take form in a physical way. Working with a publisher is kind of like the third trimester because it’s the home stretch of growth and development where you finalize all the details and wait until it is released or birthed into the world. During this process there are times of fear, doubt, learning, self-reflection, and even nausea. Once the book is out in the world, you need to continue to nurture it and tend to it so the message inside can continue to grow. As a mom, I know this isn’t the same thing, however, the feelings of creating something new are very similar (in different ways) and easy to relate to.

Book Launch Event – Monday, June 5th 

Now that my book is so close to being released, I am feeling tremendous amounts of love and gratitude along with some labor pains as there are so many good things happening to support its release! I am hosting a Virtual Book Launch Event on Facebook Live on June 5th! This will be a fun event where you can hear from me, listen to the story, learn a bit more about the message, enter the coloring contest, and have an opportunity to win prizes!

This new book is something I am really proud of as it was created using the same language I use when talking about the power of the words we use with my kids. It touches on how using kind, loving words is an easy way for all of us to be superhero’s and make a difference in the lives of those around us. Our words affect our actions, so by choosing kind words when speaking to ourselves and others, our actions tend to follow. I believe that kindness is a foundational building block for seeing all humans as an extension of ourselves, so we are able to truly treat those around us as friends, sisters, and brothers rather than others. It is my sincere hope that my new Words Are Magic! book can help inspire more kindness and make even a small difference in making the world a better place through our children.

Author Events

If you love this concept and would like to schedule me to read to your child’s class or school, please contact me at And lastly, if you are looking for a fun magical bedtime story that’s great for kids and adults alike, full of lessons on unity, cooperation, kindness, and courage – check out my first book, Saving the Earth Stone (available on Amazon and Barnes &!