As of today, we are 2 weeks out from the ‘Words Are Magic!’ book release! With the end of the school year quickly approaching and planning for the next school year is underway, it’s a great time to start thinking about how to bring in more kindness into your curriculum. If you are a teacher or administrator interested in bringing something different to your anti-bullying / positive language curriculum, I would love to talk to you! This book is a great tool that can be used at home and in the classroom to help kids better understand the importance of our words and how they influence everything inside of and around us. It’s unique and empowering approach on teaching the importance of our words is something that I have used with my own kids and gotten great results.

With some kids just explaining why it’s important to be kind isn’t enough. This book shows kids in a fun and easy way why kindness is important and how our words can impact both ourselves and others. If we want to cultivate kinder communities and school environments for our kids, we need to constantly be looking for fresh and impactful ways to reach them. Words Are Magic! is one way to help kids realize they can make a difference as it shows them that they have a magical superpower they can use in their daily life – the power of their words and voice.

One of my favorite things to do as an author is to read in schools. I have had the pleasure to do this in daycare, preschool, and elementary schools. The insight kids can gain through story time always astounds me. One of the best things, as an author, is seeing children take to heart the messages woven into a story and apply it to their own lives. If you are looking to schedule speakers or guest readers in your school/classroom, please contact me at Bringing this message to kids is truly a joy!